The dolls produced in this region were some of the very best ever produced in the world. This makes it hard to pick a top five list of German antique doll brands. These firms have names (and dolls) that resonate best and most familiarly with collectors. Also, please note that this list is limited to bisque (commonly called porcelain) dollmaking companies from approximately 1860 to 1930. Also note that there are many, many beautiful dolls from this region and period that are not only not from these firms, but also which can often be unmarked. A trained eye is always the best way to choose antique dolls. Although Armand Marseille is best-known for their bisque doll head production, during their existence from 1885 through the early 1930s, they did produce other types of dolls. They produced character baby and toddler dolls, lady and flapper dolls, and their much rarer and today highly sought after series of character children.